Monday, October 31, 2011

sleep evades me.

It is currently 2:13 am, and I wish I were sleeping.
Unfortunately, sleep is evading me as thoughts continue to race through my mind.

Tonight my thoughts traveled back to September 5, 2007. The day of my father's funeral.

It's strange--the memories seem so distant, but I can picture certain parts of that day as if it all happened yesterday. The one thing that was brought to my mind tonight was what happened on the way to my father's burial. Some of you may already know this story, but I am going to share it anyways. Maybe if I type out my thoughts, I will be able to find some sleep :) Also, please forgive me for any grammatical errors--at this time of day, I don't place grammar as a high priority. My dear friend, Kimberly, would support me in this stance, and I hope the rest of you will, too. haha.

So...back to the story...

My father's funeral service was held at my church, which is about 20-some miles from where the cemetery is. After the funeral service, we all loaded up in our vehicles to drive to the burial. Though my mother was a little apprehensive about me driving (apparently she thought that my emotional state was not stable, though I hadn't cried yet that day), she finally caved and let me drive my car to the cemetery.

We hadn't made it even 5 miles from the church when I saw something in my rear-view mirror that made my heart sink--two vehicles colliding. At that moment, time literally seemed to slow. My mind quickly processed what was happening as I saw pieces of debris flying in the air. I slammed on the breaks and yelled, "Jami got into an accident!" My mom didn't even have time to respond before I jumped out of the car and started running toward the wreckage. My heart was pounding. What if she's dead? I can't handle another death, I thought to myself. Horrendous cries of the child that was in the other vehicle pierced my ears. As I came closer to my friend's vehicle, I was trying to prepare myself for what could be a very gruesome sight. I held my breath. I let out a deep sigh of relief when I saw that my friend, who had been such an amazing support after my father's death, was alive. She got out of her car, a little dazed and in shock, but she was alive. I can't even begin to explain the whirlwind of emotions I was experiencing in these moments.

Though I knew that I had to go to my father's burial, I didn't want to leave my friend's side. After her assuring me numerous times that she was "okay," I had to be almost dragged from her side. Needless to say, we were late for the burial, but I'm sure my daddy didn't mind. I was just thankful that I didn't lose another person from my life that day. Despite the degree of severity of the wreck, Jami walked away with nothing to show but some bruises and soreness. Praise the Lord.

As I look back on this day, I sometimes think, I can't believe that actually happened.

Ah, the clock now reads 2:45am. Goodnight, world.

p.s. Tune in soon for part 2 of this story :)

Friday, October 28, 2011


Today, you are struggling with an addiction...
but someday God will break the chains that have held you captive for so long.

Today, you find your identity and worth in others' perceptions of who you are...
but someday God's affection will be all you need and want.

Today, you religiously count calories and hate the reflection you see in the mirror...
but someday God's love will overcome.

Today, you are grieving the sudden lost of a loved one...
but someday He will wipe away every tear.

Today, there is brokenness...
but someday there will be healing.

A common perception in the Church is that right now we must trudge through this life--just survive--until either (A): we die and walk through the gates of Heaven to see our Creator face to face, or (B): We are called home during Jesus' second coming. As we grudgingly walk through the hardships and messiness of life, we think to ourselves, someday this will all be over. Somehow we have convinced ourselves that all we have to look forward to is the end of our lives here on this earth--lives that are seemingly filled with disappointment after disappointment.

I've got news for you: this is not the kind of life that God wants us to live.

We don't have to live waiting for the aforementioned "someday," my friends. Christ himself has invited us to pray for and experience the will and presence of the Father "on earth as it is in Heaven!" What I'm not saying: if you become a Christian, you will instantly be healthy and wealthy--that's just silly (great rebuttal, huh? haha). Through Scripture, God has clearly explained that we will face hardships in this life. What I am saying: I think that having a "someday" mentality often keeps many of us from experiencing the wonderful and transformational power of God in the here and now.

Just a few things that I love about my God:
He can wipe away tears today.
He can break spiritual strongholds today.
He can heal brokenness today.
He can turn your world completely upside down today.

I don't want to be just another one of those "someday" Christians. I want to recognize the constant reminders of God's faithfulness in this life. I want to access the inexplainable power of Christ today. I want to bask in the presence of my Heavenly Father on earth.

I challenge you to join me.