Some would say that I am an introvert, but I beg to differ. Honestly, I'm not sure I fit into the introvert/extrovert categories. I am just myself. I love building meaningful relationships with people. I also love pouring into others--whether it is through a simple smile, a drink from McConn, or a word of encouragement--loving on people is my favorite pastime.
Sometimes I am left in a state of awe when I reflect on the people that God has brought into my life. Some of those people are no longer a part of my life, some people send an occasional text or Facebook message, and some of those people are my closest friends. I am incredibly thankful for each and every one of these people. They have encouraged me, taught me, even hurt me...
I'm thankful for the childhood friend that showed me just how blessed I was growing up. I may not have gotten everything that I wanted, but I surely had everything I needed.
I am thankful for the friends that helped me break out of my "shell." Believe it or not, I used to sit by myself in my high school cafeteria :P
I am thankful for the friend that came rushing to my house when I was contemplating suicide. Although she had gotten into a horrible car accident that same day, she didn't hesitate to drive to my house and talk with me until 3am.
I am thankful for the friends that heard my story and responded with, "I love you."
I am thankful for the friend that taught me the value of genuine and meaningful relationships.
The list could go on...
The people that are placed in your life are there for a reason. Don't forget that. God knows what He is doing :)