Is God really enough?
A good friend of mine poured out her feelings to me a few weeks ago--"I want God to be enough, but for some reason He never is." As Christians, we are taught that God is all that we need. We know that He is enough. We sing of His love and faithfulness, but how many of us truly believe that His love is better than life itself? How can Someone who I cannot physically see, hear, or touch ever meet my deepest longings? As I began tackling questions like these, I realized that I should be asking a completely different question...
What is in my life that is hindering my ability to see that He really is everything I need?
It's one of those questions that most of us try to avoid as much as possible. We enjoy being comfortable. The problem is that comfort often leads to complacency. Think about it. Most of us have pretty good lives. Very few of us ever have to worry about where our next meal will come from, or wonder whether the water we drink will end up giving us some deadly disease. The majority of us have become comfortable in our lazy-boy chair lives.
I find it quite ironic how easily we can praise Him on Sunday mornings, then quickly abandon that passion on Monday.
With a new week quickly approaching, I challenge you to be uncomfortable...
I have no doubt that God will teach you something.
Keep your ears open to His Spirit's whispers.
"I'm begging You to help me see--You're all I want, You're all I need." Tenth Avenue North
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