Tuesday, February 18, 2014

humphrey finds home.

It was Valentine's Day. I was sitting on my couch and heard a far-off meow. Soon, there was a chorus of heartbreaking meows sitting at my doorstep. How could I ignore it? I looked out the window and there he was - an orange and white tabby cat with sea green eyes. He looked up at me with hope and continued to meow incessantly until I opened the door. 

I always hate seeing animals outside during winter months. I stepped outside, and he immediately
began purring. In a matter of minutes, my jeans were covered with fur - he seemed so grateful that someone was paying attention to him. He was shivering from the low temps, so I warmed up a small bowl of milk for him. I thought that was all I had to offer him until I remembered I had a few cans of tuna - I quickly became his best friend. 

I called Animal Care & Control . . . twice, but they never showed up. Sadly, I am not allowed pets in my apartment. Thankfully he wasn't without shelter. There is an old shed on the property that he was able to get into, so I set up a box with a blanket to help with the draftiness. That night my friend and I went to to the store and picked up some dry cat food to help him get through the cold temps. 

Whenever kitty needed something (often just attention), he would sit in front of my door and loudly meow until I opened the door. Later that weekend another friend and I spent the afternoon building an insulated shelter out of scrap wood. But the little stinker wouldn't go inside it - pretty sure he thought it was a trick or something. 

hiding out at the vet
I posted his photo on multiple lost pet sites/groups and hoped for the best. Last night I discovered he was declawed, which made me more hopeful that I could find an owner. Fast forward to this morning and I notice he is favoring one of his front paws. I was worried that it may be frostbite, so I took a look. After a short inspection I come to the conclusion that I should take him to the vet to ensure it isn't anything to be concerned about. 

I shot a text to my supervisor informing her I would be late to work (flexibility is one of the many perks of working at FSSI) and drove kitty to the vet. I explained the situation to them and asked if it was possible to check for a microchip. I thought the chances that the owner would microchip their cat would be pretty slim, but might as well check! 

The vet tech scanned between kitty's shoulder blades and sure enough - he had a microchip! Who would have thought a cat would be microchipped?! After the vet tech called kitty's owners, she walked in and said, "Meet Humphrey." Best cat name ever. This is one story with a very happy ending - Humphrey found his home (with a little help from some humans). Every life is worth advocating for - even the furry ones :) 

Sunday, February 16, 2014


I've always wanted a brother.

Ask my mom, and she will tell you that I begged her and my dad to adopt a younger brother for me. Well, you can probably tell that they never caved - I remained an only child. But as I reflect, I have come to the realization that God has provided me with many brothers throughout my life. I don't have biological brothers - and that's okay. 

My brothers are the Godly men who I am blessed to call friends. 
My brothers make me laugh (and roll my eyes) with their woman jokes. 
My brothers challenge me in my walk with God.
My brothers always have my back. 
My brothers give me relationship advice.
My brothers appreciate my love for fireworks. 
My brothers listen to my hopes.
My brothers give me car advice.
My brothers take the fish off the hook for me.
My brothers encourage me in my dreams. 

I am so thankful for my brothers. Honestly, it wasn't until recently that it hit me just how blessed I have been by having such Godly guy friends in my life. I'm beginning to recognize that not every girl has that. 

So, to all of my brothers -- I appreciate you! :) 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

my birthday wish.

Tomorrow I turn 23 and I have a birthday wish that will impact 100 people for the better. The thing is - I can't do it alone. As cliche as that sounds, it's true! I need you guys!

My birthday wish: 
100 Acts of Kindness during the month of February 

I have always had this mindset that simple acts of kindness can and do change the world. So here is what I am asking you to do for my birthday:

 >> CLICK HERE and pledge to complete one act of kindness during the month of February. That's all you have to do! Easy peasy, huh?! Right now only 10 people have pledged (thank you to those that have!). We have 17 more days to make this happen -- we've totally got this :)

Why Acts of Kindness, you may ask? For starters, February 10-16th is Random Act of Kindness Week. And like I said before, small acts of kindness have ripple effects that can truly change our world!  Also, did you know that doing kind acts for others actually increases YOUR level of happiness?!

The headlines are filled with heartbreaking stories and we are constantly bombarded with drowning demands. Let's fight back. Our weapon: Kindness.

Needing some inspiration? Check out this video . . .

Now go out there and spread some joy, my friends :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

instructions for a bad day.

Bad days. We all have them.
Watch this video.
5 minutes of your life well spent - trust me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

life, lemons, and agent orange.

My dad in Vietnam
On September 1, 2007 my father passed away from ischemic heart disease, which is a fancy way of saying his arteries were so blocked that blood couldn't travel back to his heart. It's been six years since his death, but the wound was ripped open last year when my mom and I found out his death was tied to his military service in Vietnam. It's not fair, I lamented, It's just not fair. 

Agent Orange, which was an herbicide used by the U.S. military in Vietnam, has been linked to the deaths of many veterans. The official list of health complications includes 14 different diseases, but ischemic heart disease didn't make the list until three years ago. 

The heart wrenching part of all of this is that several individuals have told my mother that the doctors knew Agent Orange was the cause -- they were simply told by the government to keep it under wraps. Awful. I'm not all about debating government conspiracy theories, but that was completely unjust for the hundreds, if not thousands, of families affected by this. 

My dad and I with Bonnie, the Butterscotch Beagle
My emotional response to all of this seems to be cycling from anger to disgust to sadness, then back to anger again. You never think these things will happen to you, and then all of a sudden you're seemingly drowning in life's "lemons." 

Where is Comfort in the midst of all this? He's here. Sometimes I try to ignore Him. Sometimes I yell at Him. Sometimes I blame Him. But He remains right here with me through it all. 

"The mountains may disappear, and the hills may come to an end, but my love will never disappear; my promise of peace will not come to an end," says the Lord who shows mercy to you." 
[Isaiah 54:10]

Sunday, January 19, 2014

This is When the Feeling Sinks In

This year has been a time of adjustment. 
My home. My job. My friends. My church.
I've held on, and I've let go. 
I've stumbled, and I've grown.

With a few weeks separating me from 23, I continue to dream.
If only's, what if's, I hope's. . . 
They each follow their beaten paths in my mind. 

As I lie awake, I painfully realize that the old adage rings true.
It isn't until something is gone do you wish it to be yours.