Tuesday, February 11, 2014

my birthday wish.

Tomorrow I turn 23 and I have a birthday wish that will impact 100 people for the better. The thing is - I can't do it alone. As cliche as that sounds, it's true! I need you guys!

My birthday wish: 
100 Acts of Kindness during the month of February 

I have always had this mindset that simple acts of kindness can and do change the world. So here is what I am asking you to do for my birthday:

 >> CLICK HERE and pledge to complete one act of kindness during the month of February. That's all you have to do! Easy peasy, huh?! Right now only 10 people have pledged (thank you to those that have!). We have 17 more days to make this happen -- we've totally got this :)

Why Acts of Kindness, you may ask? For starters, February 10-16th is Random Act of Kindness Week. And like I said before, small acts of kindness have ripple effects that can truly change our world!  Also, did you know that doing kind acts for others actually increases YOUR level of happiness?!

The headlines are filled with heartbreaking stories and we are constantly bombarded with drowning demands. Let's fight back. Our weapon: Kindness.

Needing some inspiration? Check out this video . . .

Now go out there and spread some joy, my friends :)

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