Thursday, February 23, 2012

can't. move.

You know those days/weeks/months that you are constantly on the go and when you finally sit down you feel like you never want to move again? Well, I'm experiencing that right now. I have been debating for the past 15 minutes or so whether or not I should muster up the energy required to make coffee--pathetic, I know. Honestly, I wouldn't mind snuggling up with my penguin pillow pet and resting my eyes for a bit. Unfortunately, "resting my eyes" has a high potential of turning into a 12 hour nap :P What's even worse is that I haven't started studying for my 2 midterms that I have tomorrow morning. You may be wondering why I am writing a blog instead of studying. My answer: because I feel like it. Yes, I recognize that my logic is flawed. Don't you worry--I'll study...eventually.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

the good, the bad, the ugly.

One theme that God has been placing in my life over the past few years is one of vulnerability.

Merriam-Webster online Dictionary defines "vulnerable" as:
1. capable of being physically or emotionally wounded

2. open to attack or damage

My gut reaction to the idea of vulnerability is "No way!" But when God continues to whisper something over and over and over and over and OVER in your life, it becomes difficult to ignore after some time. Opening yourself up to the possibility of being hurt is terrifying, but it is out of vulnerability that some of the most amazingly beautiful moments are created.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Today is a good day! Scratch that--today is a WONDERFUL day!
Today, I broke my long streak of "Hot Mess Mondays."

I got up early and had breakfast with Courtney. She's legit. So thankful for her!
My environment & society class consisted of watching a movie about corn and making dirt pudding.
A girl in my Philosophy class moved in her chair and it made a sound that almost exactly resembled a Wookiee from Star Wars.
We sang "Lean on Me" in chapel.
We went to a cemetery in my lab today, which sounds morbid, but it was rather fascinating.
I was able to continue to enjoy the beautiful weather by walking with Marcy (she be cool, real cool) to Elder.
Have I mentioned that THE SUN IS SHINING?!!!

Today is just a delightful day :)
Recently I have been left in a state of awe and gratitude in light of God's faithfulness.
I could write a whole book about it! Hmm...maybe I will ;)